Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Piepocalypse Now! - Day Two -- Sweet Potato Pie

When I left you last time, I had just purchased 4 L'Oven Fresh pies for tasting. Now the moment you've all been waiting 24 hours for - Let the pie eating begin!

First up, L'Oven Fresh Sweet Potato Pie.


Sweet potato pie is one of my very favorite pies. Do they eat this anywhere else but down here in the South? It's very similar to pumpkin pie - I think they use the same spices - but it has a distinct sweet potato flavor. 

The sweet potato pie didn't get heated for tasting. I'm not 100% positive it's not suppose to be eaten warm but I can't think of a time when I've had warm sweet potato pie.

D'Pie D'Boxed

The pie smelled pretty good out of the box. It cut nicely although, in what would become to be a recurring issue, the edge of the pie crust broke away. Not a huge deal but worth noting. Anyway, on to the tasting. The Lady thought the filling tasted "pretty good" but the crust was dry. I thought it wasn't terrible - run of the mill store pie - but tasted more like pumpkin pie than sweet potato.

We both agreed that this L'Oven Fresh Sweet Potato pie was a pretty solid D - Disappointing. The dry crust and lack of any real sweet potato flavor did this pie in. If you're in a pinch for something to take to the holiday pot luck at work and you've only got $3 to spend - this isn't a bad choice. If you're having the family over for Thanksgiving, assuming you like your family, I would buy something else.

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