Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Gentleman Caller Calls

It's me, the Gentleman Caller. I should tell you, in the interest of full disclosure, what I like about ALDI is it's cheap and it's crazy. What I don't particularly like about ALDI is eating the food. Unlike the Lady, I've shopped at ALDI on and off - mostly off - since it opened in my neighborhood. I like buying ten things and getting change back from a five and the dizzying feel of seeing boxes that are identical in every way to national brands except the name. I get woozy seeing the familiar yellow and blue cheerios box, only to discover its....Crispy Oats brand! It’s like I’ve stumbled into Bizzaro Kroger. And where else can you get a walker AND a gallon of milk? But of the many things I've tried, I would rate (using the Lady’s rating system) about three of them L or above. I'd give an A to the seasonally available Grandessa Salted Caramels (if you find these, buy all of them!) and the no longer available Millville Peanut Butter Cereal and an L to Southern Grove Trail Mix. Oh and an L to the AM/FM iPod playing radio thing I got there once. The rest of the things I’ve tried (coffee, yogurt, pizza, appetizers, candy, chips, etc.) I’d give a D and in some cases an I. I swear I got a headache from eating mozzarella sticks once. But the Lady does insist that I review and so with no further ado I give you my first review – Baker’s Treat Cherry Pie!

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