Thursday, March 1, 2012

Goin' Ape -- Table Grapes

I've never purchased any produce from ALDI. To be honest, it kind of skeeges me out. All of it is prepackaged like the old produce they try to bundle and sell off cheap at the farmers market. This feeling wasn't helped by the moldy ball I saw in the first container of grapes I picked up. But I have an obligation to you our loyal readers, to tell you what's good at ALDI and so I give you....Goin' Ape Table Grapes.

 Sweet Ape Picture

The first thing you'll notice is the amazing ape eating grapes on the label. I don't know if apes really eat grapes in the wild - grapes seem like something that wouldn't grow in the jungle but if they do and apes ate them, I'm pretty certain it would look a lot like that picture. A smiling, wide eyed, friendly ape chowing down on a perfectly formed bunch of grapes. Man, I hope that's true.

So, the grapes come from Chile. Not so green (sorry Mother Earth - I recycled the plastic container), and they're treated with sulfur dioxide which I don't know what that is but it sounds bad. If only there were a device I could use to look things up. Pipe dream, back to reality. I'm going to trust the ALDI corporation not to kill it's customer base and go ahead and eat them. After I wash them. Twice.

(Twice) Washed Grapes

On to the actual product - there's a TON of grapes in this container. Two pounds it says. I can't remember what I paid for these but it seems like it was less than $3. Which I have no idea whether that's a good price or not but it seems like it is. The grapes themselves were firm and pretty plump - not giants but not tiny. They were juicy, no mushy grapes in the bunch and most were still attached to the stem. The flavor was grapee, sweet and slightly tart - but good. Surprisingly good.

These Goin' Ape Table Grapes - Red Seedless get a giant surprising L for would buy again.

UPDATE: I stopped by ALDI this morning and the grapes were $2.89.

stray thoughts
  • there are Goin' Ape Green Table Grapes as well - just look out for moldy ones


  1. These were VERY good and sweet. No mold and I paid $1.49 a pound. No bad. I have not had a problem with any of aldis items! Love to shop there for alot of items but mostly vegtables and fruit.
