Friday, March 16, 2012

Winking Owl Cab

Hello readers!  This is going to be an exuberant post because I have had 2.5 glasses of Winking Owl Cabernet Sauvignon! Hooray for drinking and blogging!

Proof of drinking while blogging

There are so many things to talk about when you talk about Winking Owl.  So many things. First of all, a confession. This isn't my first experience with Winking Owl. A week ago, GC and I had an ALDI Italian dinner that included ALDI spaghetti sauce, breadsticks, and this same bottle of WO Cabernet Sauvignon.

The adorable winking owl on the label (and surprise! the cork) pretty much guaranteed I would be giving this wine an "L" regardless of taste. You can see from the pictures below, that I was pretty pleased with Winking Owl.

You can also tell that GC was not pleased. In fact, he was so displeased that I got to drink his portion. He thought it was foul, I thought it was simply bland. Neither of us could detect any of the flavors the back label had led us to expect.

We drank it with pasta. There were no subtle hints of blackberry, plum, toasted oak (?), or vanilla. There was no hint of anything. It is definitely not Charles Shaw repackaged with an adorable owl.

Tonight, however, I had my second tasting. It tasted a lot more like wine this time around. I guess Winking Owl just needs time to breathe.

So I give Winking Owl Cabernet Sauvignon an D+. (I would have given it an L and GC an I so I averaged to get the D) Bonus points for only cost $2.69, a full $0.31 less than Charles Shaw. Don't worry, I didn't dislike it enough to not review all of the other variations. So much to look forward to!

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